Welcome back, my hacker apprentices! Get paid to share your links! In recent weeks, the revelation that the NSA has been spying on all of us has many people up in arms. I guess I take it all in stride as I just assume that the NSA is spying on all of us—all of the time. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone it, but I know the NSA. Basically, the PRISM program that NSA uses to spy may examine web traffic looking for keywords, alerting the NSA when these words are found. Now, imagine if you're a private investigator. You were hired by a woman who thinks that her husband is plotting her murder. Could we develop our own PRISM to detect whether he's actually planning her murder or if she's just imagining it? The answer is...of course! To do so, we'll need a few things. First, we need to compromise the plotting suspect's computer using Metasploit. Second, we'll need to redirect all of the suspect's web traffic through our com...